Publications, full list

Last change: October 28, 2021.

Scientific works

Journal articles

  1. Shamsutdinov M.A., Filippov B.N., Bikmeyev A.T. Oscillations of 90-degree domain wals in tetragonal antiferromagnet // Bulleting of Bashkir State University, 1996, #1, p.20-24. [In Russian]
  2. Bikmeyev A.T., Shamsutdinov M.A., Filippov B.N., Domain structure of tetragonal antiferromagmet in a magnetic field// Bulleting of Bashkir State University, 1998, #1, p.19-21. [In Russian]
  3. Shamsutdinov M.A., Bikmeyev A.T., Filippov B.N., Khalfina A.A. Domain structure in a two-axis anthiferromagnet with non-uniform internal stresses // FMM, 1999, vol.88, #4, p.33-45. [In Russian]
  4. Shamsutdinov M.A., Bikmeyev A.T., Filippov B.N. and Khalfina A.A. Domain structure of a tetragonal antiferromagnet // JMMM, 2001, vol 224, Issue 1, p.93-105.
  5. Shamsutdinov M.A., Bikmeyev A.T. Magnetoelastic domain structure of a tetragonal antiferromagnet // In the Book: Structural and dynamical phenomena in ordered matter. Collection of scientific articles, Ufa, p.46-51. [In Russian]
  6. Bikmeyev A.T., Shamsutdinov M.A. Magnetoelastic Domain Structure in Tetragonal Antiferromagnet // JMMM, 2003, v.258-259, p.39-41.
  7. Kabalnov Yu.S., Bikmeyev A.T., Kalentyeva M.B. Algebraic method of analysis of the same type MACS // 04.10.2006, #1195-В2006. [In Russian]
  8. Bikmeyev A.T., Gazizov R.K., Kasatkin A.A., Latysh V.V., Lukashuk S.Yu., Nasibullayev I.Sh., Yulmukhametov K.R., Yamileva A.M. Analysis of a parallelization efficiency of the solver ANSYS Multiphysics Simulations in case of linear friction welding // «Bulletin of the South Ural State University» №25 (242). Seria «Mathematical Modelling, Programming & Computer Software», issue. 9. 2011. - p. 64-75. [In Russian]
  9. Enikeev G.G., Bikmeev A.T., Solovyev A.A., Kasatkin A.A., Yulmukhametov K.R. Special features of the simulation of the motion of polyphase flow in the air duct of the gas turbine engine // Vestnik USATU. Ufa, Russia, 2011. V. 15, No 4 (44). P. 18–24. [In Russian] [url]
  10. Ivanov S.V., Perepelica S.I. and Bikmeyev A.T. Simulation of the Blow-Up and Cooling Processes of Hollow Blade Manufacturing // Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 5 (3) (2012). p.1-5. Special Issue on Simulation of Manufacturing Technologies [url]
  11. Bikmeyev A.T., Ivanov S.V., Perepelica S.I. Computer simulation of a cooling process of hollow blade of GTE after superplastic forming Vestnik UGATU, 2012. Vol.16, #7, p.38-42. [In Russian] [url]
  12. Astanin V.V., Shakhovkina A.A., Safin F.F., Melnikov M.O., Yamileva A.M. and Bikmeyev A.T. Modeling Cavitation in ICE Pistons Made with Isothermal Forging // Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 7 (5) (2014). p.1-4. Special Issue on Simulation of Manufacturing Technologies [url]
  13. Khalikova G.R., Bikmeyev A.T., Gazizov R.K. and Vairis A. A 2D Computer Model of Cutting of the A2024 Aluminum Alloy // Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 7 (5) (2014). p.24-28. Special Issue on Simulation of Manufacturing Technologies [url]
  14. Yamileva A., Chukalova A., Bikmeyev A. and Gazizov R. Effect of Process Parameters on Friction Model in Computer Simulation of Linear Friction Welding // Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 7 (5) (2014). p.59-61. Special Issue on Simulation of Manufacturing Technologies [url]
  15. Aznabaev B.M., Bikmeev A.T., Dibaev T.I., Mukhamadeev T.R., Ivanova O.V. Mathematical modelling of the ultrasonic tool phacoemulsification // Bashkortostan Medical Journal, vol 10, #1 (2015). pp. 51-53. [in Russian]
  16. Minasov B.Sh., Yakupov R.R., Khairov T.E., Bikmeev A.T., Sirodzhov K.Kh., Karimov K.K., Filimonov G.N. The Features of Hip Arthroplasty in Posttraumatic Lesions of The Proximal Femur // Polytrauma, no.4, 2015. p.19-27. [In Russian]
  17. A.T. Bikmeyev, R.K. Gazizov, A.M. Yamileva, A. Vairis and F.O. Zheleznov On the visualization of joint formation during linear friction welding // Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 8 (6) (2015). p.69-72. Special Issue on Simulation of Manufacturing Technologies [url]
  18. Akimov V.I., Bakiyev T.A., Sharipov Sh.G., Bikmeyev A.T., Gazizov R.K., Zheleznov F.O., Yamileva A.M. Computer model helps assess efficiency of gas compressor design modifications // Gazovaya Promyshlennost', January, 2016. – p.109-112.
  19. A. T. Bikmeev, R. K. Gazizov, S. Yu. Lukashuk Mathematical modeling of physical phenomena at a contact area during the linear friction welding process // Vestnik UGATU (scientific journal of Ufa State Aviation Technical University), vol. 21, no. 3 (77), 2017. PP. 3-11. [In Russian]
  20. Pavlov V.N., Bilyalov A.R., Kovtunenko A.S., Gilmanova R.F., Bikmeev A.T., Karchevsky S.G., Khalilov R.R. Using The Method of Combination Light Scattering in Diagnosis of Human Tumors Actual Issues in Biological Physics And Chemistry, vol.3, No.4. - 2018 - PP.874-879. [in Russian]
  21. V.N. Pavlov, A.R. Bilyalov, R.F. Gilmanova, R.R. Yakupov, A.S. Kovtunenko, A.T. Bikmeev, S.G. Karchevsky, R.R. Khalilov The Use of Intelligent Data Processing Techniques of Raman Spectroscopy for the Diagnosis of Malignant Tumors // BASHKORTOSTAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, Scientific Publication, Volume 13, Number 3 (75), May-June, 2018. PP.43-47. [In Russian]
  22. Subkhangulova Ju. A., Bikmeyev A. T., Bilyalov A. R. An Algorithm of Raman Spectroscopy Data Processing to Generate a Training Dataset for an Artificial Neural Network in the Differential Diagnosis of Malignant Diseases // Youth Bulletin of USATU, No.2(23), 2020. PP.135-138. [In Russian]

Articles in Proceedings

  1. Shamsutdinov M.A., Khalfina A.A., Bikmeyev A.T. Domain walls in centrosymmetric rhombohedric antiferromagnets // collection of articles, Bashkir State University, Ufa, 1998, p.125-129. [In Russian]
  2. Khalfina A.A., Bikmeyev A.T. Domain wall in centrally antisymmetric antiferromagnet Cr2O3 // Proceedings of Moscow International Symp. on Magn. MISM 99. Part 2. p.7-10.
  3. Bikmeyev A.T., Filippov B.N. Effect of stresses on magnetization processes of multi-axis antiferromagnet // Proceedings of the regional conference "Resonant and nonlinear phenomena in condenced matter", Ufa, 1999, vol.1, p.186-188. [In Russian]
  4. Khalfina A.A., Shamsutdinov M.A., Bikmeyev A.T. Domain structure of tetragonal magnetoelectric antiferromagnets // Proceedings of the XVII international workshop "New magnetic materials of microelectronics", Moscow, 2000, p.441-443. [In Russian]
  5. Bikmeyev A.T., Shamsutdinov M.A. Magnetization curves of an easy-plane tetragonal antiferromagnet // Proceedings of the XVIII international workshop "New magnetic materials of microelectronics", Moscow, 2002, p.741-743. [In Russian]
  6. Bikmeyev A.T., Kovtunenko A.S., Nizamova G.F. Expert ranking of a set of alternatives under conditions of uncertainty. Fuzzy model of an uncertainty // Proceddings of the conference "Problems of Technics and Technology of Telecommunications", November 20-23, 2006. p.179-181. [In Russian]
  7. Bikmeyev A.T., Kovtunenko A.S., Nizamova G.F. Expert ranking of a set of alternatives under conditions of uncertainty. Probability models an uncertainty // Proceddings of the conference "Problems of Technics and Technology of Telecommunications", November 20-23, 2006. p.177-178. [In Russian]
  8. Kalentyeva M. B., Maximov S. V., Bikmeyev A. T. The Context – Dictionary Compression of Textual Information on the Basis of Lexical Rules. // Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies. Ufa, 2007. – V2, p. 147 – 152.
  9. Savko A.S., Bikmeyev A.T. Automation of a technical support service as CONTACT CENTER Proceedings of IV All-Russia winter school-workshop of PhD-students and Postdocs "Computer science and Management", Ufa, 2009, vol.1, p.440-444. [In Russian]
  10. Bikmeyev A.T. Using a benefit of multicore CPU with GNU Linux // Proceedigs of All-Rissia conference Free Software in Education and Professional activity "Free Flight - 2009", Ghilem Publishing, 2010. p. 159-161. [In Russian]
  11. Mustayeva V.A., Bikmeyev A.T. Effect of contact zone shape and material properties on temperature distribution due friction. Proceedings of VI All-Russia winter School-workshop of PhD-students and Postdocs "Actual problems of science and technics", Ufa-2011, vol.1, p.304-307. [In Russian]
  12. Bikmeyev A.T., Yamileva A.M., Vairis A., Gazizov R.K. Mathematical and Numerical Models of the Preliminary Phases of the Linear Friction Welding Process // Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2021. Proceedings of the International Joint Symposium on Joining and Welding IJS-JW 2021, 6-8 November, 2021, Osaka, Japan. pp.299-304.
  13. Bikmeyev A.T., Gazizov R.K., Vairis A., Yamileva A.M. Modelling the temperature distribution in the contact area of a moving object in case of linear friction welding // ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Volume 8A: Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering. San Diego, California, USA, November 15–21, 2021. – 8 p. ISBN: 978-0-7918-5634-5
  14. Savvakis K., Petousis M., Vairis A., Vidakis N., Bikmeyev A.T. Experimental determination of the tensile strength of fused deposition modeling parts // ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 14: Emerging Technologies; Engineering Management, Safety, Ethics, Society, and Education; Materials: Genetics to Structures.
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November 14–20, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-7918-4963-7
  15. Yamileva A.M., Zheleznov F.O., Bikmeyev A.T., Gazizov R.K. The Stepwise Method of a Simulation of the Shortening Process during the Linear Friction Welding with Visualization// Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation 26-28 November, 2014 Hotel Hankyu Expo Park, Osaka, Japan, vol.1, p.63-64
  16. Bikmeyev A.T., Yamileva A.M., Gazizov R.K., Vairis A., Zheleznov F.O. On the Visualization of the Dynamics of Material Flow and Adhesion during Linear Friction Welding// Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation 26-28 November, 2014 Hotel Hankyu Expo Park, Osaka, Japan, vol.1, p.236-237.
  17. Lukyanova E.S., Bilyalov A.R., Biktasheva E.M., Bikmeyev A.T. Effect of the shape of a post-surgery scar on the stress-strain state of a skin. // Collection of work of All-Russia Winter school-workshop of PhD students and young scintists "Actual tasks of a science and technics", Ufa, 2017. pp.161-165. [in Russian]
  18. Maksimova P.Yu., Yakupov R.R., Bilyalov A.R., BikmeyevA.T. Calulation of the stress-strain state of submerged implants in traumatology and orthopedics Collection of work of All-Russia Winter school-workshop of PhD students and young scintists "Actual tasks of a science and technics", Ufa, 2017. pp.166-171. [in Russian]

Patents and Certificates of registration of an intellectual property

  1. Zheleznov F.O., Feoktostov B.A., Spele V.V., Bikmeyev A.T. 3D-visualization of a fluid flow// Certificates of registration of an intellectual property of the PC-application #2016610762, 19.01.2016. [in Russian]
  2. Minasov B.Sh, Yalupov R.R., Bikmeyev A.T. Method of preoperative designing of hip arthroplasty with defects and deformations of the proximal femur // Patent #2015136923; 31.08.2015.

Educational works [In Russian]


  1. Galiaskarov F.M., Bikmeyev A.T. IDE Delphi. Part 1. // Textbook, Bashkir State University, Ufa-2001, 110 p.
  2. Bikmeyev A.T. Computer science. Textbook for humanitarian faculties. Part 1. // Textbook, Bashkir State University, Ufa, 2005. 154 p.

Guidelines to laboratory classes

  1. Galiaskarov F.M., Bikmeyev A.T. Guidelines to performe test tasks on FoxPro database // Bashkir State University, Ufa-2002, 30 p.
  2. Bikmeyev A.T. Guidelines to performe test tasks on text procesor The Microsoft Word // Bashkir State University, Ufa-2004, 38 p.
  3. Bikmeyev A.T. Guidelines to performe test tasks on The Microsoft Excel and to prepare presentation in The Microsoft PowerPoint // Bashkir State University, Ufa-2005, 36 p.
  4. Karchevskaya M.P., Ramburger O.L., Bikmeyev A.T. Basics of MathCAD. Laboratory workshop on the subject "Computer Science" // Ufa. USATU, 2007. - 73 p.
  5. Bikmeyev A.T., Maksutov A.D. Short list of free analogs of MS Windows applications in GNU Linux // Guidelines. Bashkir State University, Ufa, 2007. - 28 p.
  6. Bikmeyev A.T., Karchevskaya M.P., Ramburger O.L., Yamilova L.R. The Building computer models of engineering problems on the base of numerical integration methods // Guidelines to prepare course-work on subject "Computer science", USATU, Ufa, 2010. 40 p.
  7. Bikmeyev A.T., Karchevskaya M.P., Ramburger O.L., Tarnovetskaya V.P. The Building computer models of engineering problems on the base of numerical methods of solving of nonlinear algebraic equations // Guidelines to prepare course-work on subject "Computer science", USATU, Ufa, 2010. 45 p.
  8. Bikmeyev A.T., Karchevskaya M.P., Kuzmina E.A. The Building computer models of engineering problems on the base of numerical methods of solving of algebraic equations systems Guidelines to prepare course-work on subject "Computer science", USATU, Ufa, 2010. 76 p.

Other works [In Russian]

  1. Bikmeyev A.T. It is possible to translate in Linux, isn't it? // LinuxFormat, #3 (77) 2006, p.18-20.
  2. Bikmeyev A.T. Scilab: Basics // LinuxFormat, #6 (106) 2008, p.82-85.
  3. Bikmeyev A.T. Scilab: Functions and polynomials // LinuxFormat, #7 (107) 2008, p.80-83.
  4. Bikmeyev A.T. Scilab: Simulations // LinuxFormat, #8 (108) 2008, p.78-80.
  5. Bikmeyev A.T. Scilab: Toolboxes // LinuxFormat, #9 (109) 2008, p.84-87.
  6. Bikmeyev A.T. KBasic 1.89f // LinuxFormat, #9 (122) 2009, p.10.
  7. Bikmeyev A.T. Scilab: Building Toolbox // LinuxFormat, #9 (122) 2009, p.80-83.
  8. Bikmeyev A.T. Free math // LinuxFormat, #11 (124) 2009, p.108-111.
  9. Bikmeyev A.T.SCILAB: Part 1.Basics of programming in Scilab // (12.02.2010) IBM Developerworks.
  10. Bikmeyev A.T. Let's go! // Linux Format, №131 (2010), p.108-111.
  11. Bikmeyev A.T.SCILAB: Part 2. Building of a Toolbox for Scilab in internal programming language // (08.06.2010) Сайт IBM Developerworks.
  12. Bikmeyev A.T. SCILAB: Part 3. Building of a Toolbox for Scilab in external programming language // (24.06.2010) Сайт IBM Developerworks.
  13. Bikmeyev A.T. Linux + Literature = Love?// Linux Format, №133 (2010), p.108-111.
  14. Bikmeyev A.T. Simulation in CAE Salome: Part 1. Basics // (06.09.2011) IBM Developerworks.
  15. Bikmeyev A.T. Simulation in CAE Salome: Часть 2. Using the Geometry module // (20.10.2011) IBM Developerworks.
  16. Bikmeyev A.T. Simulation in CAE Salome: Part 3.1. The module Mesh. Building 2D mesh // (27.09.2012) IBM Developerworks.
  17. Bikmeyev A.T. Simulation in CAE Salome: Part 3.1. The module Mesh. Building 3D mesh // (28.09.2012) IBM Developerworks.
  18. Bikmeyev A.T. Simulation in CAE Salome: Part 4. Set up procedure and run simulation // (21.02.2021) IBM Developerworks.


  1. Mandriva Linux. Full user manual. Second edition. ISBN 978-5-9775-0332-7 BHV-Peterburg, 2008, 672 p. (the member of the translators team)